Thursday 29 March 2012

This photograph was taken by Fresh Photography and is set in a decaying environment. It incorporates decay and death with life, the rusty old metal with the two girls sat on on it. The girls are to the right of this image and the decaying materials to the left separating the two. There is a misty filter over the image creating a ghostly look to it and making the image look old like the decaying metal. This image looks as though it could be inside, but the leaves over the floor make it seem like it could also be outside, like the first image I analysed, bringing the outdoors indoors.

In the foreground of the photograph is the girls face, looking up to the camera, across to the left of her is a rusty handle of some sort that has been left to decay. In the mid-ground of the photograph is the second girl, also looking up to the camera, to the left of her are some old rusty pipes which they are sat on and run diagonally through the picture. In the background is a wall, which again has been left to decay and on the floor are leaves and debris.

The depth of field is fairly narrow, although it is not that noticeable at a glance. When you look closely the background to the right is all out of focus which is helped by there being very little light in the photograph. This also creates a graininess to a picture, like this one has. There is quite a lot of contrast in this image. The dark floor and pipes contrast against the girls white dresses. As well as this there is light shining in onto the pipes which creates different tones and colours within the photograph. There is also a diffusing mist which is clearest over the girls faces, this gives the picture and cold feeling.

This photograph has been taken at a higher level to the objects being photograph. The camera looks down to the girls and they look up to the camera. This creates an innocent and helpless look for the girls, like a small child looking up to an adult, the adult being intimidating and tall. 

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